Looking Through the Prism of Oneness

The COVID-19 crisis around the globe has shown that those who are most impacted are those who are in the most vulnerable position in our societies. The most marginalised have suffered the most. Trying to battle a multitude of injustices right now may seem overwhelming but the COVID-19 crisis has also shown that when we pool our efforts and resources, we can overcome a daunting global pandemic if we work together in solidarity.

No one can deny that systemic discrimination has created deep inequities, impacting millions across generations. We often address discrimination and oppression in our advocacy and fight against injustice in the context of either gender or race, class or religion, disability or immigrant status and so forth. Rather than fragmenting injustices and challenges faced by different groups in our societies, we are better served to understand the compounding experiences of discrimination and take a holistic approach to find solutions that unify us.

Using an intersectional lens, we can better acknowledge the ways in which various forms of inequality often operate together and exacerbate each other. Understanding inequalities intersect with each other helps us not only to turn the tables on racial or gender injustices but to root out all forms of discrimination and oppression , such as severe socioeconomic inequalities and poverty to major population groups and regions, including learning poverty, which deny people their rights to education or employment and equal opportunities.  

Looking through the prism of oneness serves as a framework through which to build inclusive, robust movements that work to solve overlapping forms of discrimination, simultaneously. An awareness of intersectionality provides us with the ability to understand and approach our inequities with an eye of oneness and mainstream the essential need to root out all forms of discrimination against all humanity as the ultimate solution for the multitude of injustices suffered by large segments of the world population.  

Watch our video take a holistic look at discrimination in the various ways it is manifested in our interactions. To achieve unity and peace we need to eradicate discrimination in all its forms

By Neda Salmanpour

CEO, Global Peace and Prosperity Forum